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Bryant Football vs. Stony Brook
Bryant Football vs. Stony Brook
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Bryant Football vs. Stony Brook

Sat 1:00 PM
Bryant University
1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield
The sale has ended

Friends and Family Weekend

Please Note:

Tailgating parking passes are sold out! If you do not have one You will be required to park at the BELC (100 Salem Street, Smithfield RI). Things to note when Parking at the BELC:

BELC parking is free, with shuttles running to and from Beirne Stadium.

No tailgating

No alcohol is permitted

No grills or BBQ's

No Smoking/Vaping

No Loitering

Bryant Football vs. Stony Brook
Bryant University
The sale has ended
Sat 1:00 PM
Bryant University
1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield

Other events of Bryant University