Success story

Dragons Rhöndorf

The Dragons Rhöndorf wanted a ticketing solution that would give them back time and sell more tickets online. With vivenu, they now have both – and are leaning into the potential of customer centric ticketing to create exceptional experiences for their fans.

We know that we can only grow if we embrace innovation. With vivenu, we are well-positioned to take advantage of future opportunities to build a fan-centric digital experience.

Blaus Beydemüller

Chairman, Dragons Rhöndorf

The Dragons Rhöndorf at a glance

  • 95%

    of tickets are sold online

  • 1.5k

    seats in the arena

  • 1912

    founding year

  • 100%

    flexibility to build experiences

The Dragons went from manual ticketing to 95% of tickets sold online

  • Challenge

    The Dragons Rhöndorf wanted to transition from old-school, manual ticketing to a solution that would give them peace of mind for years to come as they brought their ticketing online and made plans to build fan-centric offerings that would delight visitors and keep them coming back. All capabilities needed to be wrapped into a neat, intuitive interface for daily use.

  • Solution

    With vivenu's intuitive platform, the Dragons Rhöndorf found that feature-richness and day-to-day usability don't have to be at odds: Seamless management of season tickets, rich analytics features, and conversion-boosting features like vivenu's multi-event checkout all help the Dragons maximize fan engagement and increase attendance.

  • Outcome

    Having gone from 0 to 95% tickets sold online in less than two seasons on vivenu, the Dragons Rhöndorf have accomplished their initial goal. Now, they have set their sights on something bigger: They want to build a fully-fledged ecosystem of best-in-class solutions, including a powerful CRM, around vivenu and take the next step on their transformation journey.

The Dragons went from manual ticketing to 95% of tickets sold online

How vivenu helps the Dragons Rhöndorf succeed


Fully customizable branded ticket shop

Tailor every element of your ticket shop to reflect your brand identity.


Supercharged season tickets

Turn casual visitors into super-fans with smart season tickets and seamless ticket transfers.


Initutive, user-centric platform

Manage all ticketing operations in one central, open platform with robust user management.


Best-in-class native integrations

Leverage specialized third-party solutions for CRM, ERP, and more to unlock revenue.

How vivenu helps the Dragons Rhöndorf succeed

Start leveraging digital-first ticketing today

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